



Disconnects all ugens from the master bus and stops all sequencers from runnning.


The init method creates an AudioContext object, a ScriptProcessor Node, and connects the output of the node to the destination property of the AudioContext. This single line should be enough to start a Gibberish session (assuming the Gibberish library has been properly included from your HTML file).

memorySize   int   Default:44100 60 20 (twenty minutes at 44.1 kHz). This determines the size of the memory block that Gibberish will use for all ugens. If you use a lot of samples (more than twenty minutes worth) you may want to increase this size.


Prints the current master audio callback to the console.


By default, the Gibberish library is contained within the global Gibberish object (or whatever variable you import it into using browserify / require.js etc). However, you can easily export the Gibberish namespace to another object (for example, the window object) for easier API access.

target   object. The object to export the Gibberish namespace to.
shouldExportGenish   boolean   Default:false. Determines whether or not the lower-level unit generators found in genish.js are also exported to the target object. Note that many variables names in genish and Gibberish are only differentiated by lowercase vs uppercase letters… for example, Gibberish has Add, ADSR, and Mod ugens, while genish has add, adsr, and mod.

Propertie s


boolean Default:false. When this value is set to true, callbacks will be printed to the console whenever they are generated.


Bus2 The master bus that all Gibberish ugens eventually feed into. This bus is created during calls to Gibberish.init().




The ugen object is the primary prototype for all unit generators in Gibberish.js. All ugens with the exception of simple binop / monop math operations (add, mul, abs etc.) delegate to this prototype object.



Calls to ugen.print() will write a unit generators callback function to the console object.

Frees the memory associated with a unit generator.


ugen   object   Optional. Another unit generator to connect to. If this arguement is undefined, the unit generator will create a default connection to Gibberish.output, which is essentially the master output bus.

level   float   Optional; default = 1. A scalar that is applied to the signal the unit generator sends to the connection.

This method works to connect instruments / oscillators to effects / filters, or to connect instruments / oscillators / filters and effects to busses.

syn = Gibberish.Synth()
syn.connect() // default connection to master bus

syn2 = Gibberish.Synth()
bus  = Gibberish.Bus2() // stereo bus
bus.connect() // connect to master bus
syn2.connect( bus ) // connect to bus

syn3 = Gibberish.Synth()
syn3.connect( bus, .5 ) // scale output to bus

// By default, effects accept a single input. However, we can easily
// connect multiple instruments to an effect using a bus as that input.
reverb = Gibberish.Freeverb({ input:Bus() }).connect()
syn.connect(  reverb.input, .25 )
syn2.connect( reverb.input, .25 )
syn3.connect( reverb.input, .25 )


ugen   object   Optional. The unit generator calling disconnect will be disconnected from this destination. If this argument is ommitted, the unit generator will be disconnected from all unit generators it is currently connected to.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.ugen

This is the prototype for all effect unit generators.



Object { bypass:false } These defaults are applied to all effects. Changing the bypass value of any effect to true will completely remove it from the audio callback.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.ugen

This is the prototype for all filters.



Object { bypass:false } These defaults are applied to all filters. Changing the bypass value of any filter to true will completely remove it from the audio callback.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.ugen

Monophonic instruments in Gibberish (such as Synth, FM, and Monosynth) delegate to this prototype for note and trigger methods, while polyphonic instruments use a mixin (polytemplate.js).


instrument.note( frequency )

frequency   number   The frequency for the new note to be played.

The note method assigns a new frequency to the instrument and re-triggers the instrument’s envelope. For some percussion instruments that use fixed frequencies (Cowbell, Snare, and Hat) this method will trigger the instrument’s envelope but the argument frequency will have no effect.

fm = Gibberish.FM().connect()
fm.note( 330 )

instrument.trigger( loudness )

loudness   number   A scalar applied to the gain envelope of the new note.

Trigger a note at the last used frequency with the provided loudness as a scalar.

kick = Gibberish.Kick({ frequency: 80 }).connect()

  values:[ .1,.2,.3,.5], 




Polyphonic instruments in Gibberish (such as Synth, FM, and Monosynth) use this mixin for note, trigger, and chord methods. Note that polyphonic instruments also use Bus and Bus2 objects as prototypes.


polyinstrument.chord( frequencies )

frequency   array   The frequencies of the chord to be played.

The chord method selects voices from the polyphonic instrument, assigns them new frequencies, and triggers their envelopes. The number of notes concurrently playable is determined by the instrument’s maxVoices property. Using the chord method with three frequencies is functionally identical to calling note three times simultaneously.

fm = Gibberish.PolyFM({ maxVoices:3, decay: 88200 * 2 }).connect()
fm.chord([ 330,440,550 ])

polyinstrument.note( frequency )

frequency   number   The frequency for the new note to be played.

The note method selects a child voice from the polyphonic instrument, assigns it a new frequency, and triggers the instrument’s envelope. The number of notes concurrently playable is determined by the instruments maxVoices property.

fm = Gibberish.PolyFM({ maxVoices:3, decay: 88200 * 2 }).connect()
fm.note( 330 )
fm.note( 440 )
fm.note( 550 )

polyinstrument.trigger( loudness )

loudness   number   A scalar applied to the gain envelope of the new note.

Trigger a note or chord at the last used frequency(ies) with the provided loudness as a scalar.

syn = Gibberish.PolySynth({ attack:44, decay:22050 }).connect()
syn.chord([ 330,440,550 ])

  values:[ .1,.2,.3,.5], 



Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.instrument

The Conga unit generator emulates the conga sound found on the Roland TR-808 drum machine. It consists of an impulse feeding a resonant filter scaled by an exponential decay.

// run line by line
conga = Gibberish.Conga().connect()
conga.note( 440 )
conga.decay( .25 )
conga.note( 440 )



float range: 0-1, default: .85 This value controls the decay length of each note.


float default: .25 This value controls the loudness of each note.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.instrument

The Cowbell unit generator emulates the cowbell sound found on the Roland TR-808 drum machine. It consists of an two tuned square waves feeding a resonant bandpass filter scaled by an exponential decay.

// run line by line
conga = Gibberish.Conga().connect()
conga.trigger( .5 )
conga.decay( .05 )
conga.trigger( .75 )



float range: 0-1, default: .5 This value controls the decay length of each note. 0 represents a decay of 0 samples (and thus no sound, don’t do this) while a value of 1 represents two seconds.


float default: .25 This value controls the loudness of each note.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.instrument

The FM unit generator provides two-operator FM synthesis with a choice of waveforms for both carrier and modulator, as well as a filter with selectable models (disabled by default). In addition to modulating the frequency of the carrier oscillator, the modulator may also modulate itself via a single sample feedback loop. The amount of feedback is determined both by the index property of the FM instance (which also controls how much the modulator affects the carrier frequency) and a separate feedback parameter which scales the amount of self-modulation. The envelopes of FM instances controls gain, modulation index, and filter cutoff (assuming an appropriate value for filterMult).

// run all at once

fm = Gibberish.instruments.FM({
  modulatorWaveform:'square', // or saw, sine etc.

  values:[ function() { return .15 + Math.random() * 10 } ],

  values:[ function() { return .5 + Math.random() * 20 } ],

  values:[ 440 ],
  timings:[ 44100 ]



float default: 2. This controls the relationship between the carrier oscillator’s frequency and the modulating oscillator’s frequency. A value of 2 means that, given a carrier frequency of 440, the modulator frequency will be 880.


float default: 5. In canonical FM synthesis, the amplitude of the modulating oscillator is controlled by the frequency of the carrier on the ‘modulation index’ parameter. Given a carrier frequency of 440 and index property of 5, the amplitude of the modulating oscillator will be 440 * 5 = 2200.

float default: 0. A scalar which determines how much the output of the modulating oscillator affects the frequency of the modulating oscillator via a single-sample feedback loop. Note: high values (>1) coupled with high index values can cause the algorithm to blow-up.


boolean default: false. If this property is true, both the carrier and modulator will use higher quality (and more computationally expensive) anti-aliasing oscillators.


boolean default: false. If true, the synth will expose a pan property for stereo panning; otherwise, the synth is mono.


float range: 0-1, default: .5. If the panVoices property of the synth is true, this property will determine the position of the synth in the stereo spectrum. 0 = left, .5 = center, 1 = right.


int default: 44. The length of the attack portion of the synth’s envelope measured in samples. The envelope modulates amplitude, the index property, and the filter cutoff frequency (if the filter is enabled.


int default: 22050. The length of the decay portion of the synth’s envelope measured in samples. The envelope modulates amplitude, the index property, and the filter cutoff frequency (if the filter is enabled.


int default: 44100. The length of the sustain portion of the synth’s envelope measured in samples. The envelope modulates amplitude, the index property, and the filter cutoff frequency (if the filter is enabled. Note that the sustain will last until the synth’s synth.env.release() method is triggered if the synth’s triggerRelease property is set to true.


float default: .6. The gain stage of the sustain portion of the synth’s envelope. The envelope modulates amplitude, the index property, and the filter cutoff frequency (if the filter is enabled. Sustain and release are only used if the useADSR property of the synth is set to be true.


int default: 22050. The length of the decay portion of the synth’s envelope measured in samples. The envelope modulates amplitude, the index property, and the filter cutoff frequency (if the filter is enabled.


bool default: false. Determines whether a synth uses a two stage (AD) or four-stage (ADSR) envelope.


bool default: false. Assuming a synth’s useADSR property is also set to true, a value of true on this property will continue the sustain stage of an ADSR indefinitely until the synth’s envelope receives a release message (i.e synth.env.release())


float default: 1. A scalar applied to the output of the synth. It is modulated by the synth’s envelope.


string default: ‘sine’. Controls the waveform of the carrier oscillator. Choose between ‘sine’,’saw’,’square’, and ‘pwm’.


string default: ‘sine’. Controls the waveform of the modulating oscillator. Choose between ‘sine’,’saw’,’square’, and ‘pwm’.


int default: 0. Select a filter type. 0 - no filter. 1 - ‘classic’ Gibberish 4-pole resonant filter. 2 - Zero-delay (aka virtual analog) 4-pole Moog-style ladder filter. 2 - Zero-delay (aka virtual analog) resonant diode filter, modeled after the TB-303.


int default: 0. Select a filter mode. 0 - low pass. 1 - high pass, available for filter types 1, 4, and 5. 2 - bandpass, available for filter types 4 and 5. 3 - notch, available efor filter type 4.


float default: 440. Controls the cutoff frequncy of the filter, if enabled. IMPORTANT NOTE: If filter type 1 is chosen, the cutoff frequency should be provided as a value between 0 to 1… this will be connected in the future.


float default: 440. Controls modulation applied to the cutoff frequency by the synth’s envelope. For example, given a cutoff property of 440 and a filterMult of 440, the final cutoff frequency will vary between 440 and 880 Hz as the envelope increases and decreases in value. Use low cutoff values and high filterMult values to create filter sweeps for each note that is played.


float default: 8. Controls the filter ‘quality’ (aka resonance), if the filter for the synth is enabled. IMPORTANT NOTE: Be careful with this setting as all filters are potentially self-oscillating and can explode. For filter type 2, stay lower than 10 to be safe, and even lower than that using high cutoff frequencies. For filter type 3, stay lower than 20 to be safe, and again, adjust this value depending on cutoff / filterMult property values.


float default: 3.5. This property only affects the resonance for filter type 1. Values above 4 are typically self-oscillating, depending on the cutoff frequency.


float default: 1. For filter type 3 (modeled TB-303), this value controls a non-linear waveshaping (distortion) applied to the signal before entering the filter stage. A value of 1 means no saturation is added, higher values yield increasing distortion.


Prototype: Gibberish.Bus2
Mixin: Gibberish.mixins.polyinstrument

PolyFM objects have the same properties as FM objects; when you change one of these property values all the child voices have their same property modified. The maxVoices option, which can only be set upon instantiation, determines the number of voices. Whenever a note is played a voice is chosen and connected to the PolyFM ugen, which acts as a bus. When the envelope of the note is finished the associated voice is disconnected from the PolyFM ugen.

a = PolyFM({ maxVoices:3 }).connect()
a.chord([ 330,440,550 ])


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.instrument

The Hat unit generator emulates the hihat sound found on the Roland TR-808 drum machine. It consists of six tuned square waves feeding bandpass and highpass filters scaled by an exponential decay.

// run line by line
hat = Gibberish.Hat().connect()
hat.trigger( .5 )
hat.decay = .25
hat.trigger( .5 )
hat.tune = .75
hat.trigger( .5 )
hat.decay = .8
hat.tune = .25
hat.trigger( .5 )



float range: 0-1, default: .5 This value controls the decay length of each note. 0 represents a decay of 0 samples (and thus no sound, don’t do this) while a value of 1 represents two seconds.


float default: .25 This value controls the loudness of each note.


float range:0-1, default: .5. This value controls both the frequencies of the squarewave oscillators used in the synth and the cutoff frequencies of its filters.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.instrument

The Karplus unit generator uses the Karplus-Strong physical model to create a plucked string sound.

// run line by line
pluck = Gibberish.Karplus().connect()
pluck.note( 440 )
pluck.decay = 4 // seconds
pluck.note( 440 )



float default: .5 This value controls the decay length of each note, measured in seconds.


float range: 0-1, default: .2. The amount of damping on the string.


float range:0-1, default:1. The loudness of notes


int range:1-?, default:1. A portamento affect applied to frequency. Increasing this will cause notes to slide into each other, as opposed to using discrete frequencies.


boolean default: false. If true, the synth will expose a pan property for stereo panning; otherwise, the synth is mono.


float range: 0-1, default: .5. If the panVoices property of the synth is true, this property will determine the position of the synth in the stereo spectrum. 0 = left, .5 = center, 1 = right.


Prototype: Gibberish.Bus2
Mixin: Gibberish.mixins.polyinstrument

PolyKarplus objects have the same properties as Karplus objects; when you change one of these property values all the child voices have their same property modified. The maxVoices option, which can only be set upon instantiation, determines the number of voices. Whenever a note is played a voice is chosen and connected to the PolyKarplus ugen, which acts as a bus. When the envelope of the note is finished the associated voice is disconnected from the PolgyKarplus ugen.

a = PolyKarplus({ maxVoices:3 }).connect()
a.chord([ 330,440,550 ])


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.instrument

The Kick unit generator emulates the kick sound found on the Roland TR-808 drum machine. It consists of an impulse feeding resonant bandpass and hipass filters scaled by an exponential decay.

// run line by line
kick = Gibberish.instruments.Conga().connect()
kick.note( 90 )
kick.decay( .25 )
kick.note( 90 )



float range: 0-1, default: .9. This value controls the decay length of each note.


float default: .25. This value controls the loudness of each note.


float range: 0-1, default: .25. This value controls the high frequency content (the ‘click’) at the start of each kick drum trigger.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.instrument

The Monosynth instrument provides a three-oscillator synth feeding a filter with selectable models. The envelopes of Monosynth instances controls gain and filter cutoff (assuming an appropriate value for filterMult).

// run all at once

mono = Gibberish.instruments.Monosynth({
  waveform: 'saw',   // or saw, sine, pwm etc.
  filterType: 2,     // 4-pole "virtual analog" ladder filter
  filterMult: 1760,
  Q: 18,

  values:[ 110 ],
  timings:[ 44100 ]



boolean default: false. If this property is true, both the carrier and modulator will use higher quality (and more computationally expensive) anti-aliasing oscillators.


int default: 44. The length of the attack portion of the synth’s envelope measured in samples. The envelope modulates amplitude, the index property, and the filter cutoff frequency (if the filter is enabled.


int default: 22050. The length of the decay portion of the synth’s envelope measured in samples. The envelope modulates amplitude, the index property, and the filter cutoff frequency (if the filter is enabled.


int default: 44100. The length of the sustain portion of the synth’s envelope measured in samples. The envelope modulates amplitude, the index property, and the filter cutoff frequency (if the filter is enabled. Note that the sustain will last until the synth’s synth.env.release() method is triggered if the synth’s triggerRelease property is set to true.


float default: .6. The gain stage of the sustain portion of the synth’s envelope. The envelope modulates amplitude, the index property, and the filter cutoff frequency (if the filter is enabled. Sustain and release are only used if the useADSR property of the synth is set to be true.


int default: 22050. The length of the decay portion of the synth’s envelope measured in samples. The envelope modulates amplitude, the index property, and the filter cutoff frequency (if the filter is enabled.


bool default: false. Determines whether a synth uses a two stage (AD) or four-stage (ADSR) envelope.


bool default: false. Assuming a synth’s useADSR property is also set to true, a value of true on this property will continue the sustain stage of an ADSR indefinitely until the synth’s envelope receives a release message (i.e synth.env.release())


float default: 1. A scalar applied to the output of the synth. It is modulated by the synth’s envelope.


string default: ‘sine’. Controls the waveform of the three monosynth oscillators. Choose between ‘sine’,’saw’,’square’, and ‘pwm’.


float default: 1.01. Determines the frequency of the second oscillator by adding the frequency of the first multiplied by this value, or osc2.frequency = osc1.frequency + ( osc1.frequency * detune2 ).


float default: 2,99. Determines the frequency of the third oscillator by adding the frequency of the first multiplied by this value, or osc3.frequency = osc1.frequency + ( osc1.frequency * detune3 ).


boolean default: false. If true, the synth will expose a pan property for stereo panning; otherwise, the synth is mono.


float range: 0-1, default: .5. If the panVoices property of the synth is true, this property will determine the position of the synth in the stereo spectrum. 0 = left, .5 = center, 1 = right.


int default: 1. Select a filter type. 0 - no filter. 1 - ‘classic’ Gibberish 4-pole resonant filter. 2 - Zero-delay (aka virtual analog) 4-pole Moog-style ladder filter. 2 - Zero-delay (aka virtual analog) resonant diode filter, modeled after the TB-303.


int default: 0. Select a filter mode. 0 - low pass. 1 - high pass, available for filter types 1, 4, and 5. 2 - bandpass, available for filter types 4 and 5. 3 - notch, available efor filter type 4.


float default: 440. Controls the cutoff frequncy of the filter, if enabled. IMPORTANT NOTE: If filter type 1 is chosen, the cutoff frequency should be provided as a value between 0 to 1… this will be connected in the future.


float default: 440. Controls modulation applied to the cutoff frequency by the synth’s envelope. For example, given a cutoff property of 440 and a filterMult of 440, the final cutoff frequency will vary between 440 and 880 Hz as the envelope increases and decreases in value. Use low cutoff values and high filterMult values to create filter sweeps for each note that is played.


float default: 8. Controls the filter ‘quality’ (aka resonance), if the filter for the synth is enabled. IMPORTANT NOTE: Be careful with this setting as all filters are potentially self-oscillating and can explode. For filter type 2, stay lower than 10 to be safe, and even lower than that using high cutoff frequencies. For filter type 3, stay lower than 20 to be safe, and again, adjust this value depending on cutoff / filterMult property values.


float default: 3.5. This property only affects the resonance for filter type 1. Values above 4 are typically self-oscillating, depending on the cutoff frequency.


float default: 1. For filter type 3 (modeled TB-303), this value controls a non-linear waveshaping (distortion) applied to the signal before entering the filter stage. A value of 1 means no saturation is added, higher values yield increasing distortion.


Prototype: Gibberish.Bus2
Mixin: Gibberish.mixins.polyinstrument

PolyMono objects have the same properties as Monosynth objects; when you change one of these property values all the child voices have their same property modified. The maxVoices option, which can only be set upon instantiation, determines the number of voices. Whenever a note is played a voice is chosen and connected to the PolyMono ugen, which acts as a bus. When the envelope of the note is finished the associated voice is disconnected from the PolgyMono ugen.

a = PolyMono({ maxVoices:3 }).connect()
a.chord([ 330,440,550 ])


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.instrument

The Sampler synth loads external audiofiles and plays them at variable rates. The sampler will begin playback at according to its start property value and end it according to its end property value.

rhodes = Gibberish.instruments.Sampler({

rhodes.onload = function() {
  rhodes.note( -4 ) // play sample in reverse at 4x speed.



string This must be passed in the properties dictionary handed to the constructor and point to a file on a web server that you have access to or that permits CORS operations.


boolean default: false. If this value is true, the sample will repeat playback continuously.


float default: .25. This value controls the loudness of each note.


int default: 0. The sample offset to begin playback at.


int default: sample.length. The last sample to play in the audiofile.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.instrument

The Snare instrument emulates the snare sound found on the Roland TR-808 drum machine. It consists of an two resonant bandpass filters mixed with highpassed noise, all scaled by an exponential decay.

// run line by line
snare = Gibberish.instruments.Snare().connect()
snare.trigger( .5 )
snare.decay( .25 )
snare.tune = -.25
snare.trigger( .5 )



float range: 0-1, default: .1. This value controls the decay length of each snare strike, ranging from 0 to 2 seconds.


float default: .25. This value controls the loudness of each note.


float range: 0-?, default: 1. A scalar controlling the amount of noise in the overall snare output.


float range: -.5-2, default: 0. This value modifies the tuning of the two bandpass filters and the highpass filter used in the snare instrument.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.instrument

The Synth instrument provides a single oscillator feeding a filter with selectable models. The envelopes of Synth instances controls gain and filter cutoff (assuming an appropriate value for filterMult).

// run all at once

syn = Gibberish.instruments.Synth({
  waveform: 'saw',   // or saw, sine, pwm etc.
  filterType: 3,     // 303-style 'virtual analog' diode filter
  filterMult: 1760,
  Q: 9,
  attack:44, decay:11025,

  values:[ 110 ],
  timings:[ 22050 ]



boolean default: false. If this property is true, both the carrier and modulator will use higher quality (and more computationally expensive) anti-aliasing oscillators.


int default: 44. The length of the attack portion of the synth’s envelope measured in samples. The envelope modulates amplitude, the index property, and the filter cutoff frequency (if the filter is enabled.


int default: 22050. The length of the decay portion of the synth’s envelope measured in samples. The envelope modulates amplitude, the index property, and the filter cutoff frequency (if the filter is enabled.


int default: 44100. The length of the sustain portion of the synth’s envelope measured in samples. The envelope modulates amplitude, the index property, and the filter cutoff frequency (if the filter is enabled. Note that the sustain will last until the synth’s synth.env.release() method is triggered if the synth’s triggerRelease property is set to true.


float default: .6. The gain stage of the sustain portion of the synth’s envelope. The envelope modulates amplitude, the index property, and the filter cutoff frequency (if the filter is enabled. Sustain and release are only used if the useADSR property of the synth is set to be true.


int default: 22050. The length of the decay portion of the synth’s envelope measured in samples. The envelope modulates amplitude, the index property, and the filter cutoff frequency (if the filter is enabled.


bool default: false. Determines whether a synth uses a two stage (AD) or four-stage (ADSR) envelope.


bool default: false. Assuming a synth’s useADSR property is also set to true, a value of true on this property will continue the sustain stage of an ADSR indefinitely until the synth’s envelope receives a release message (i.e synth.env.release())


float default: 1. A scalar applied to the output of the synth. It is modulated by the synth’s envelope.


string default: ‘sine’. Controls the waveform of the three monosynth oscillators. Choose between ‘sine’,’saw’,’square’, and ‘pwm’.


boolean default: false. If true, the synth will expose a pan property for stereo panning; otherwise, the synth is mono.


float range: 0-1, default: .5. If the panVoices property of the synth is true, this property will determine the position of the synth in the stereo spectrum. 0 = left, .5 = center, 1 = right.


int default: 1. Select a filter type. 0 - no filter. 1 - ‘classic’ Gibberish 4-pole resonant filter. 2 - Zero-delay (aka virtual analog) 4-pole Moog-style ladder filter. 2 - Zero-delay (aka virtual analog) resonant diode filter, modeled after the TB-303.


int default: 0. Select a filter mode. 0 - low pass. 1 - high pass, available for filter types 1, 4, and 5. 2 - bandpass, available for filter types 4 and 5. 3 - notch, available efor filter type 4.


float default: 440. Controls the cutoff frequncy of the filter, if enabled. IMPORTANT NOTE: If filter type 1 is chosen, the cutoff frequency should be provided as a value between 0 to 1… this will be connected in the future.


float default: 440. Controls modulation applied to the cutoff frequency by the synth’s envelope. For example, given a cutoff property of 440 and a filterMult of 440, the final cutoff frequency will vary between 440 and 880 Hz as the envelope increases and decreases in value. Use low cutoff values and high filterMult values to create filter sweeps for each note that is played.


float default: 8. Controls the filter ‘quality’ (aka resonance), if the filter for the synth is enabled. IMPORTANT NOTE: Be careful with this setting as all filters are potentially self-oscillating and can explode. For filter type 2, stay lower than 10 to be safe, and even lower than that using high cutoff frequencies. For filter type 3, stay lower than 20 to be safe, and again, adjust this value depending on cutoff / filterMult property values.


float default: 3.5. This property only affects the resonance for filter type 1. Values above 4 are typically self-oscillating, depending on the cutoff frequency.


float default: 1. For filter type 3 (modeled TB-303), this value controls a non-linear waveshaping (distortion) applied to the signal before entering the filter stage. A value of 1 means no saturation is added, higher values yield increasing distortion.


Prototype: Gibberish.Bus2
Mixin: Gibberish.mixins.polyinstrument

PolySynth objects have the same properties as Synth objects; when you change one of these property values all the child voices have their same property modified. The maxVoices option, which can only be set upon instantiation, determines the number of voices. Whenever a note is played a voice is chosen and connected to the Synth ugen, which acts as a bus. When the envelope of the note is finished the associated voice is disconnected from the Synth ugen.

a = PolySynth({ maxVoices:3 }).connect()
a.chord([ 330,440,550 ])



Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.effect

The BitCrusher effect provides both bit-depth and sample-rate reduction to create distortion.

syn = Gibberish.instruments.Synth({ attack:44 })

crush = Gibberish.effects.BitCrusher({ 

syn.note( 220 )



ugen The unit generator that feeds the effect. Assign a Bus or Bus2 instance to this property if you want multiple unit generators to connect to this effect.


float range: 0-1, default: .5. Re-samples the input unit generator at a lower rate. A value of .5 (the default) means that every other sample will be sampled and held; a value of .25 means that every fourth sample will be sampled and held.


float range:0-1, default: .5. Decreases the dynamic range of the incoming signal and truncates values outside of the range.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.effect

The BufferShuffler effect feeds an input into a delay line, which is then randomly read at different speeds for granular effects.

syn = Gibberish.instruments.Synth({ attack:44, decay:1152 }).connect()
seq = Sequencer.make( [220,330,440,550], [5512], syn, 'note' ).start()

shuffle = Gibberish.fx.Shuffler({ 



int Default:22050. Determines how often the shuffler should potentially shuffle.


float Default:.25. The likelihood that shuffling will occur for any given window. int Default:22050. Determines how often the shuffler should potentially shuffle.


float Default:.5. The likelihood that the buffer will play in reverse when it is shuffling.


float Default:.5. The likelihood that the buffer will play at a speed that isn’t 1 (or -1 if reverseChance is greater than 0).


float Default:.5. The minimum rate for buffer playback if repitching occurs.


float Default:2. The maximum rate for buffer playback if repitching occurs.


float Default:.5. The mix between the dry and wet signal. a value of0 means only the dry signal is outputted, a value of 1 means only the wet signal is outputted.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.effect

The Chorus effect is modeled after the ensemble effect found in the Arp Solina-5 String Ensemble (based on a Csound opcode by Steven Yi. In this model, six parabolic oscillators are used (twelve when the effect is used with a stereo input) to modulate three delay lines (six in stereo). Three of the six oscillators are running at a “slow” speed (roughly .1 - .5 Hz) with individual phase offsets, to gradually create pitch fluctuations over time. The other three are running at a “fast” speed (roughly 2 to 8 Hz), again with individual phase offsets, to create vibrato. You can adjust amplitude and frequency of the three “slow” oscillators using the slowFrequency and slowGain properties, while the vibrato can be adjusted via fastFrequency and fastGain.

syn = PolySynth({ waveform:'square', attack:44100 / 2, decay:88200 * 1.5, antialias:true, gain:.25 })
chorus = Chorus({ input: syn, slowGain:2 }).connect()
verb = Freeverb({ input: chorus, roomSize: .9, damping:.5 }).connect()

baseChord = [55,110,220,330,440,520]

seq = Sequencer.make( 
    baseChord, v=> v * 1.2 ), v=> v * .8  ), v=> v * .95 )
  [88200 * 2],

kick = Kick().connect()
kickseq = Sequencer.make( [110], [22050], kick, 'note' ).start()



ugen The unit generator that feeds the effect. Assign a Bus or Bus2 instance to this property if you want multiple unit generators to connect to this effect.


float Default: .18. The frequency of the phasor that modulates the read position of the three ‘slow’ delay lines, which create more gradual pitch fluctuations over time.


float Default: 1. Controls the amount of delay line modulation for the three ‘slow’ delay lines.


float Default: .18. The frequency of the phasor that modulates the read position of the three ‘fast’ delay lines, which combine to create a vibrato effect.


float Default: 1. Controls the amount of delay line modulation for the three ‘fast’ delay lines.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.effect

The Delay delays an incoming signal. It also provides a simple feedback control.

syn = Gibberish.instruments.Synth({ attack:44 })

delay = Gibberish.effects.Delay({ 
  delayTime: 5512,
  feedback: .9

syn.note( 220 )



ugen The unit generator that feeds the effect. Assign a Bus or Bus2 instance to this property if you want multiple unit generators to connect to this effect.


int default: 11025. The number of samples to delay the incoming signal by.

float range:0-1, default: .925. The amount of delayed signal to be fed back into the delay line.


float range:0-1, default: .5. The ratio of immediate to delayed signal in the output. A value of 1 means only the delayed output is heard.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.effect

A port of the hyperbolic tangent distortion found in Csound:

This is a non-linear distortion that can react dramatically differently to different sounds. The primary driver of the distortion is the pregain property, while the shape1 and shape2 properties control whether hard-clipping or soft-clipping is used. A post-effect scalar, postgain, can be used to tame out-of-control signals.

syn = Gibberish.instruments.Karplus({ attack:44 })

dist = Gibberish.effects.Distortion({ 

syn.note( 440 )



ugen The unit generator that feeds the effect. Assign a Bus or Bus2 instance to this property if you want multiple unit generators to connect to this effect.


float range: 0-max, default: 5. A scalar applied to the input signal as part of the distortion formula. Increasing this value will increase the amount of distortion; however, you may also need to turn down the postgain property to avoid loud signals.


float range:0-max, default: .5. A scalar applied to the output signal.


float range:0-max, default: 0. A zero-value indicates hard-clipping will be used on the positive axis of the waveshaping; small positive values will use soft-clipping.


float range:0-max, default: 0. A zero-value indicates hard-clipping will be used on the negative axis of the waveshaping; small positive values will use soft-clipping.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.effect

The Flanger creates a modulated delay line, with adjustable feedback.

syn = Gibberish.instruments.Synth({ attack:44 })

delay = Gibberish.effects.Flanger({ 
  delayTime: 5512,
  feedback: .9

syn.note( 220 )



ugen The unit generator that feeds the effect. Assign a Bus or Bus2 instance to this property if you want multiple unit generators to connect to this effect.


ugen The frequency of the sine oscillator that modulates the read position of the delay line.


float range: 0-1, default: .25. Controls the center offset of the modulated delay line. Larger values will result in wider pitch fluctuations.

float range:0-1, default: .925. The amount of delayed signal to be fed back into the delay line.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.effect

The Freeverb effect is based on the Schroeder-Moorer model of reverberation. One of its main strengths is easy control via two primary properties: roomSize to set the amount of reverberation and damping to attenuate high frequencies.

syn = Gibberish.instruments.Synth({ attack:44 })

verb = Gibberish.effects.Freeverb({ 

syn.note( 220 )



ugen The unit generator that feeds the effect. Assign a Bus or Bus2 instance to this property if you want multiple unit generators to connect to this effect.


float range: 0-1, default: .84. This is an important control of the overall reverberation time. Technically, it controls the amount of feedback used by the comb filters that are part of the Freeverb algorithm.


float range:0-1, default: .5. This value attenuates high-frequency signals in the reverberation by low-pass filtering from one sample to the next in the comb filters. Low values simulate reflective walls.


float range: 0-1, default: .5. Controls the amount of non-reverberated signal sent to the output.


float range: 0-1, default: 1. Controls the amount of reverberated signal sent to the left output. When this value is significantly different from the wet2 property, there will be an increased stereo result. wet1 and wet2 default to opposite values to maximize this stereo effect.


float range: 0-1, default: 0. Controls the amount of non-reverberated signal sent to the right output. See wet1 for more information.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.effect

The Plate effect is based on the Dattorro model of plate reverberation. Similar to Freeverb, it is fairly easy to control via its decay property to set the length of reverberation and its damping property to attenuate high frequencies. However, there are a number of other properties for additional control.

syn = Gibberish.instruments.Synth({ attack:44 })

plate = Gibberish.effects.Plate({ 

syn.note( 220 )



ugen The unit generator that feeds the effect. Assign a Bus or Bus2 instance to this property if you want multiple unit generators to connect to this effect.


float range: 0-1, default: .5. This is an important control of the overall reverberation time.


float range:0-1, default: .5. This value attenuates high-frequency signals in the reverberation by low-pass filtering from one sample to the next. Low values simulate reflective walls.


float range: 0-1, default: .5. Controls the amount of non-reverberated signal sent to the output.


float range: 0-100, default: 10. The amount of time between the input signal entering the reverb and the processed result exiting. This is also an effective cue in determining roomsize. Note that values over 100 risk sonic destruction (really, don’t do this!)


float range: 0-1, default: .75. Smears the phase of the input signal by controlling feedback during the first two of four all-pass filters.


float range: 0-1, default: .625. Smears the phase of the input signal by controlling feedback during the last two of four all-pass filters.


float range: 0-1, default: .7. Controls when diffusion occurs relative to signal onset in the ‘tank’ emulation of the reverb.


float range: 0-1, default: .5. Controls when diffusion occurs relative to signal onset in the ‘tank’ emulation of the reverb.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.effect

The RingMod multiplies an input signal with a sine oscillator and outputs the result, yielding ‘robotic’ ‘sci-fi’ types of sounds resulting from sum and difference partials.

syn = Gibberish.instruments.Synth({ attack:44 })

ringmod = Gibberish.effects.RingMod({ 
  frequency: 223,
  gain: .5,
  mix: .75

syn.note( 466 )



ugen The unit generator that feeds the effect. Assign a Bus or Bus2 instance to this property if you want multiple unit generators to connect to this effect.


ugen The frequency of the modulating sine oscillator.


float range: 0-1, default: 1. Amplitude of the modulating sine oscillator.


float range:0-1, default: .5. Controls the balance between wet and dry signals. A value of 0 means only the input will be outputted. A value of 1 means only the processed, modulated signal will be outputted.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.effect

The Tremolo effect varies amplitude over time.

syn = Gibberish.instruments.Synth({ attack:44, decay:44100 * 10 })

tremolo = Gibberish.effects.Tremolo({ 
  frequency: 8,

syn.note( 330 )



ugen The unit generator that feeds the effect. Assign a Bus or Bus2 instance to this property if you want multiple unit generators to connect to this effect.


float default: 4. The frequency of the modulating oscillator.


float range: 0-1, default: 1. The strength of the modulation. Given an output of y, an input of x, and a modulating oscillator z, the formula is y = x - ( x * z ). The amount property determines the amplitude of the modulating oscillator.


string default: ‘sine’. Possible values are ‘sine’, ‘saw’, and ‘square’.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.effect

The Vibrato effect varies the pitch of its input over time using a modulated delay line.

syn = Gibberish.instruments.Synth({ attack:44, decay:44100 * 10 })

vibrato = Gibberish.effects.Vibrato({ 
  frequency: 2,
  amount: .5,

syn.note( 330 )



ugen The unit generator that feeds the effect. Assign a Bus or Bus2 instance to this property if you want multiple unit generators to connect to this effect.


float default:4. The frequency of the modulating oscillator.


float range: 0-1, default: .25. The strength of the modulation.



Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.ugen

A two-stage envelope using exponential attack and decay stages.


a = Sine()
b = AD()
c = Mul( a,b )

Gibberish.output.inputs.push( c )



Tell the envelope to run and reset its internal phase to 0.



int or ugen. Default:44100. The length of the attack stage, in samples.


int or ugen. Default:44100. The length of the decay stage, in samples.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.ugen

A four-stage envelope using exponential attack, decay, and release stages.



Tell the envelope to run and reset its internal phase to 0.


If the triggerRelease property of the envelope is set to true, than this method will advance from the sustain stage of the envelope to the release stage.



int or ugen. Default:22050. The length of the attack stage, in samples.


int or ugen. Default:22050. The length of the decay stage, in samples.


int or ugen. Default:44100. The length of the sustain stage, in samples. Note this property is only used if the triggerRelease property is set to false; that is, if the envelope plays from start to finish without requiring intervention.


float or ugen. Default:.6. The gain of the sustain stage.


int or ugen. Default:44100. The length of the release stage, in samples.


boolean. Default:false. If true, the envelope will not advance from the sustain stage to the release stage without a call to the advance() method.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.ugen

A linear ramp between two values that can loop.

a = Sine().connect()
a.frequency = Ramp({ from:220, to:440, length:22050, shouldLoop:true })



Tell the ramp to run and reset its internal phase to 0.



int or ugen. Default:0. The starting point of the ramp.

int or ugen. Default:1. The ending point of the ramp.


int( or ugen*. Default:44100. The length of the ramp.


boolean. Default: false. If this property is true playback of the ramp will loop repeatedly.



Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.filter

The Filter12Biquad is a two-pole, 12dB-per-octave resonant biquad filter. It can operate in either lowpass, hipass or bandpass mode.

syn = Gibberish.instruments.Synth({ attack:44, decay:44100 * 4 })

filter = Gibberish.filters.Filter12Biquad({ 
  cutoff: Add( 550, Sine({ frequency:2, gain:330 }) ),
  Q: 20, 

syn.note( 220 )



ugen The unit generator that feeds the effect. Assign a Bus or Bus2 instance to this property if you want multiple unit generators to connect to this effect.


float range: 0-nyquist, default:550. The cutoff frequency of the filter.


float range: .5-23, default: .75. Controls the resonance, or ‘quality’ of the filter.


string default: ‘LP’. This property can only be set on initialization. Valid options are ‘LP’,’HP’, and ‘BP’.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.filter

The Filter12SVF is a two-pole, 12dB-per-octave resonant filter. It can operate in a variety of modes.

syn = Gibberish.instruments.Synth({ attack:44, decay:44100 * 4 })

filter = Gibberish.filters.Filter12SVF({ 
  cutoff: Add( 550, Sine({ frequency:2, gain:330 }) ),
  Q: 10, 

syn.note( 220 )



ugen The unit generator that feeds the effect. Assign a Bus or Bus2 instance to this property if you want multiple unit generators to connect to this effect.


float range: 0-nyquist, default:550. The cutoff frequency of the filter.


float range: .5-23, default: .75. Controls the resonance, or ‘quality’ of the filter. This filter tends to be stable with Q values between .5 and 20.


int default: 0. 0 = lowpass, 1 = hipass, 2 = bandpass, 3 = notch. This property can only be set on initialization.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.filter

The Filter24Classic is a four-pole, 24dB-per-octave resonant filter that can operate in either low pass or high pass mode. It is the original filter used in Gibberish. TODO: switch filter to use frequencies in Hz for cutoff.

syn = Gibberish.instruments.Synth({ attack:44, decay:44100 * 4 })

filter = Gibberish.filters.Filter24Classic({ 
  cutoff: Add( .2, Sine({ frequency:2, gain:.15 }) ),
  Q: 3.5, 

syn.note( 220 )



ugen The unit generator that feeds the effect. Assign a Bus or Bus2 instance to this property if you want multiple unit generators to connect to this effect.


float range: 0-1, default:.25. The cutoff frequency of the filter.


float range: 0-4.5, default: 3. Controls the resonance, or ‘quality’ of the filter. With values above 4.5 this filter is highly unstable.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.filter

The Filter24Moog is a four-pole, 24dB-per-octave resonant filter that can only operate as a lowpass. It is a “virtual analog” filter modeled after the famous ladder filter created by Moog, based on a Csound opcode by Steven Yi.

syn = Gibberish.instruments.Synth({ attack:44, decay:44100 * 4 })

filter = Gibberish.filters.Filter24Moog({ 
  cutoff: Gibberish.binops.Add( 440, Gibberish.oscillators.Sine({ frequency:2, gain:330 }) ),
  Q: 18.5, 

syn.note( 220 )



ugen The unit generator that feeds the effect. Assign a Bus or Bus2 instance to this property if you want multiple unit generators to connect to this effect.


float range: 0-nyquist, default:440. The cutoff frequency of the filter.


float range: 0-23, default: 5. Controls the resonance, or ‘quality’ of the filter. With values above 20 this filter is highly unstable.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.filter

The Filter24TB303 is a four-pole, 24dB-per-octave resonant filter that can only operate as a lowpass. It is a “virtual analog” filter modeled after the diode ladder filter used in the Roland TB-303 bass synth / sequencer, a staple of many musical genres including, perhaps most famously, acid jazz. This model is based on a Csound opcode by Steven Yi.

syn = Gibberish.instruments.Synth({ attack:44, decay:44100 * 4 })

filter = Gibberish.filters.Filter24TB303({ 
  cutoff: Gibberish.binops.Add( 440, Gibberish.oscillators.Sine({ frequency:2, gain:330 }) ),
  Q: 9.5, 

syn.note( 220 )



ugen The unit generator that feeds the effect. Assign a Bus or Bus2 instance to this property if you want multiple unit generators to connect to this effect.


float range: 0-nyquist, default:440. The cutoff frequency of the filter.


float range: 0-12, default: 5. Controls the resonance, or ‘quality’ of the filter. With values above 9 this filter is highly unstable.


float range: 1-?, default: 1. Values higher than one add non-linear waveshaping to the signal before it is filtered, creating distortion.



Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.ugen

Bus instances sum mono inputs.


ugen   ugen   The ugen to disconnect from the bus


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.ugen

Bus2 instances sum stereo and mono inputs into a single stereo signal.


ugen   ugen   The ugen to disconnect from the bus.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.analyzer

The single-sample delay is a special ugen that can be used to create feedback loops within the audio graph. Every time Gibberish calculates the output of the audio graph, the SSD ugen reports the sample it recorded from the previous cycle so that it can be used as an input for the current cycle. After all outputs have been determined, the SSD ugen then records a single sample of whatever ugen it is listening to. For example the following (not musically interesting) example Gibberish code:

ssd = SSD()

sin = Sine({
  frequency: Add( 440, Mul( ssd.out, 100 ) )

// sample our sine oscillator
ssd.listen( sin )

Note that we use the .out property of the SSD ugen to refer to its output, not the SSD ugen itself which comprises separate input and output stages. The code above creates an output callback similar to the following:

var v_34 = ssd_out_33( memory )
var v_36 = v_34 * 100
var v_37 = 440 + v_36
var v_38 = sine_38( v_37, 1, memory )
var v_20 = bus2_20( 0, v_38, memory )
var v_35 = ssd_in_33( v_38, memory )

return v_20

You can see how the SSD listens to the sine oscillator output on the last line before the return statement, but also functions as an input that helps determine the oscillator frequency. A demo exploring more complicated uses of the SSD ugen is included in the Gibberish playground.


ugen   ugen   Set the ugen to listen to.



ugen. Read-only. The output of the single-sample delay.


boolean Default:false. Can only be set on initialization, and determines whether or not the SSD will listen to a stereo or a mono unit generator.


All oscillators accept a dictionary as their sole argument, containing properties such as frequency and gain.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.ugen

There are three types of noise available, white, brown, and pink, as determined by the color property upon initialization.



string. Default:’white’. Can only be set on initialization. Determines the type of noise outputted.


number or ugen. Default:1. A scalar to adjust the output range of the oscillator.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.ugen

The PWM (pulse-width modulation) oscillator provides for a variable pulsewidth to modulate the harmonic content of the oscillator. If the anti-alias property is set to true, a band-limited oscillator implemented via FM feedback is used.



number or ugen. Default:440. The frequency in Hz that the oscillator runs at.


number or ugen. Default:1. A scalar to adjust the output range of the oscillator.


boolean Default:false. If true, the oscillator will use a higher-quality bandlimited algorithm. If false, the oscillator will use a wavetable with linear interpolation. This property can only be set during the initial call to the constructor.


float Default:.35. A value of .5 means that the oscillator will function as a square wave; higher or lower values will decrease the duty cycle of the oscillator, gradually lowering amplitude while increasing harmonic content.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.ugen

The ReverseSaw oscillator uses either a wavetable with linear interpolation, or, if the anti-alias property is set to true, a band-limited oscillator implemented via FM feedback.



number or ugen. Default:440. The frequency in Hz that the oscillator runs at.


number or ugen. Default:1. A scalar to adjust the output range of the oscillator.


boolean Default:false. If true, the oscillator will use a higher-quality bandlimited algorithm. If false, the oscillator will use a wavetable with linear interpolation. This property can only be set during the initial call to the constructor.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.ugen

The saw oscillator uses either a wavetable with linear interpolation, or, if the anti-alias property is set to true, a band-limited oscillator implemented via FM feedback.



number or ugen. Default:440. The frequency in Hz that the oscillator runs at.


number or ugen. Default:1. A scalar to adjust the output range of the oscillator.


boolean Default:false. If true, the oscillator will use a higher-quality bandlimited algorithm. If false, the oscillator will use a wavetable with linear interpolation. This property can only be set during the initial call to the constructor.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.ugen

The sine oscillator uses a wavetable with linear interpolation.



number or ugen. Default:440. The frequency in Hz that the oscillator runs at.


number or ugen. Default:1. A scalar to adjust the output range of the oscillator.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.ugen

The square oscillator uses either a wavetable with linear interpolation, or, if the anti-alias property is set to true, a band-limited oscillator implemented via FM feedback.



number or ugen. Default:440. The frequency in Hz that the oscillator runs at.


number or ugen. Default:1. A scalar to adjust the output range of the oscillator.


boolean Default:false. If true, the oscillator will use a higher-quality bandlimited algorithm. If false, the oscillator will use a wavetable with linear interpolation. This property can only be set during the initial call to the constructor.


Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.ugen

The triangle oscillator uses a wavetable with linear interpolation



number or ugen. Default:440. The frequency in Hz that the oscillator runs at.


number or ugen. Default:1. A scalar to adjust the output range of the oscillator.



This is a singleton object (Gibberish.Scheduler) with a priority queue that handles events from all Sequencer objects (but not Sequencer2 objects). In general, users should never need to think about / manipulate this object, with the possible exception of calls to Gibberish.Scheduler.add().



Add a new event to the priority queue.

time   int   A time offset, measured in samples, from the current phase of the scheduler determining when the added event should fire. A time value of 0 means the function will be executed immediately.

func   function   A function that will be executed in the future according to the value of time.

priority   int   Default: 0. If two events in the queue are scheduled to be executed at the same time, the event with the higher priority value will be executed first.


Remove all items from the scheduler’s priority queue. This method is called internally by Gibberish.clear().


This method is called once per sample and checks the priortiy queue to see if any of its events should be fired.



int The internal phase of the scheduler, incremented by a value of 1 on every sample.


object The priority queue used by the scheduler, as taken from


The Sequencer object in Gibberish sequences calls to methods, property changes, and the execution of anonymous functions. Although timing is performed with at sample-level accuracy, audio-rate modulation of timing is not possible with this scheduler; see Sequencer2 for a scheduler with modulation support.

syn = Gibberish.instruments.Synth({ 

seq = Gibberish.Sequencer({
  target: syn,
  key: 'note',
  values: [440,880,1760],
  timings: [11025, 22050 ],



Starts the sequencer running. By default the sequencer starts immediately, but can be started in the future by passing an optional delay argument.

delay   float   Default:0. This values delays the start of the sequencer by a given number of samples. You can use this to start a number of sequencers using the same block of code, but with different timings offsets.


Stops the sequencer from running.

Remove all items from the scheduler’s priority queue. This method is called internally by Gibberish.clear().



string Whenever a sequencer event is triggered, the sequencer will check to see if it has a valid target property; if so, it checks for a valid key property. The key determines the name of property or method on the target object that will be controlled by sequencer. If the target/key combo denotes a method, that method will be called. If the target/key combo denotes a property, that property will be assigned a new value.


int default: 0. If two events are scheduled to take place on the same sample, the event scheduled by the sequencer with the highest priority will take place first. For example, if you wanted to change the key of a scale being used and also trigger a new note using the resulting scale on the same sample, you would assign the sequencer changing the key of the scale a higher priority value so that it would be changed before the final note value was determined.

object A object to be targeted by the sequencer. See the key property for more information.


array This array is used to determine when sequencer events are triggered. If a timing is chosen from the array that is a function, that function will be executed and expected to return a new timing value to be used.


array Assuming the sequencer has a valid target/key combination, this array holds values that will either be passed as arguments to a method or assigned to properties. If a value is chosen from the array and it is a function, that function will be evaluated to and expected to return a new value that will be assigned or passed as an argument. For example, a values array that will always return a random number might look like the following:

seq.values = [ Math.random ]


Sequencer2 objects in Gibberish sequence calls to methods, property changes, and the execution of anonymous functions. Unlike Sequencer objects, Sequencer2 objects support audio-rate modulation of timing via their rate properties, which is 1 by default. Given a rate value of 2 events will occur twice as fast, a value of .5 means events will occur half as fast. Below is an example of using a sine oscillator to modulate the speed of events triggered by a Sequencer2 object:

kick = Gibberish.instruments.Kick().connect()

seq = Gibberish.Sequencer2({
  target: kick,
  key: 'note',
  values: [110],
  timings: [11025],
  rate: Gibberish.binops.Add(
    Gibberish.oscillators.Sine({ frequency:.25, gain:.75 }) 



Starts the sequencer running. By default the sequencer starts immediately, but can be started in the future by passing an optional delay argument.

delay   float   Default:0. This values delays the start of the sequencer by a given number of samples. You can use this to start a number of sequencers using the same block of code, but with different timings offsets.


Stops the sequencer from running.



string Whenever a sequencer event is triggered, the sequencer will check to see if it has a valid target property; if so, it checks for a valid key property. The key determines the name of property or method on the target object that will be controlled by sequencer. If the target/key combo denotes a method, that method will be called. If the target/key combo denotes a property, that property will be assigned a new value.


float or ugen. Default: 1. The rate property is an audio-rate input that determines the phase increment of the sequencer on each sample. A value of 2 means that the phase is incremented by two each sample, doubling the speed that events are outputted at. Any mono audio signal can be mapped to this property.

object A object to be targeted by the sequencer. See the key property for more information.


array This array is used to determine when sequencer events are triggered. If a timing is chosen from the array that is a function, that function will be executed and expected to return a new timing value to be used. The values in this array are used in conjunction with the rate property to determine the final scheduling of events.


array Assuming the sequencer has a valid target/key combination, this array holds values that will either be passed as arguments to a method or assigned to properties. If a value is chosen from the array and it is a function, that function will be evaluated to and expected to return a new value that will be assigned or passed as an argument. For example, a values array that will always return a random number might look like the following:

seq.values = [ Math.random ]



a   ugen or number   Ugen or number.

Outputs the absolute value of input a.


args   ugens or numbers  

Add two ugens (or numbers) together and output the results.

mono = Gibberish.Monosynth({ filterType:2 }).connect()

// modulate filter cutoff frequency between 220-660 Hz
mono.cutoff = Gibberish.Add( 440, Gibberish.Sine({ frequency:.5, gain:220 }) )
mono.note( 440 )


a,b   ugens or numbers  

Subtract the output of unit generator b (or number b) from a and output the result.

mono = Gibberish.Monosynth({ filterType:2 }).connect()

// modulate filter cutoff frequency between 220-660 Hz
mono.cutoff = Gibberish.Sub( 440, Gibberish.Sine({ frequency:.5, gain:220 }) )
mono.note( 440 )


a,b   ugen or number  

Multiples the output of a and b and returns the results.

syn1 = Gibberish.Synth()
syn2 = Gibberish.Synth()
mul  = Gibberish.Mul( syn1, syn2 )

// binops don't have a `connect()` method, so we manually push
// to the inputs of the master output.
Gibberish.output.inputs.push( mul )



a,b   ugen or number  

Divides the output of a by b and returns the results.


a,b   ugen or number   Ugens or numbers.

Divides ugen or number a by ugen or number b and outputs the remainder.


a,b   ugen or number   Ugens or numbers.

Raises the number or ugen a to the power determined by the ugen or number b and outputs the result.



Prototype: Gibberish.prototypes.ugen

A envelope follower.

trackedUgen = Karplus({ gain:2 }).connect()

  target:d, key:'note',
  values:[440,880], timings:[22050]

tracker = Follow({ input: trackedUgen })

// modulate sine frequency based on tracked Karplus plucking
Sine({ frequency:Add( 880, Mul( tracker,220 ) ) }).connect()



ugen. The unit generator that will be tracked.


number Default:8192. Set on initialization only. The length of the buffer over which averaging occurs. Longer buffers will result in smoother signals, while shorter buffers will respond more quickly to changes in the tracked ugen output.