- 5/12/2023 - Insturments, interfaces, and Infrastructres Workshop @ Harvard. Live coding performance with the MIT Laptop Ensemble (FAMLE) using Gibber.
- 10/12/2022 Beautiful Machines Algorave. Duo live coding performance with Gillian Smith.
- 4/2022 - Flashcrash. Solo live coding performance with Gibber. Online.
- 5/2022 = Web Audio Conference. Duo Live coding performance with Gillian Smith. Cannes, France.
- 12/12/2021 - The Longest Night Solstice Festival. Solo live coding performance with Gibber. Online.
- 2/20/21 Transnodal Festival of Live Coding. Duo live coding performance with Gillian Smith. Online.
- 2/7/2020 - International Conference on Live Coding - Limerick, Ireland
- 12/11/2019 - Algorave II - Worcester, MA
- 12/5/2019 - Web Audio Conference - Trondheim, Norway
- 4/6/2019 - Northampton Center for the Arts - Northampton, MA
- 3/22/2019 - Algorithmic Art Assembly - San Francisco
- 3/14/2019 - Algorave - Worcester, MA
- 1/16/2019 - Algorave - International Live Coding Conference, Madrid
9/19/2018 - Web Audio Conference - Berlin
Live coding performance using an alpha version of Gibber version 2.
4/11/2018 - Algorave - Brooklyn, NY
Live-coded music using gibberwocky at Eyebeam. Video documentation is low-quality.
9/17/2017 - Fringe Festival - Rochester, NY
Live-coded music using gibberwocky.
8/23/2017 -
Web Audio Conference - London, United Kingdom<
Live-coded music using gibberwocky.
8/3/2017 - First Thursday Arts Festival - Santa Barbara, CA
Live-coded music using gibberwocky.
5/17/2017 - New Interfaces for Musical Expression Conference - Copenhagen, Denmark
Live-coded music using gibberwocky.
5/6/2017 - Imagine RIT Festival- Rochester, NY<
Live-coded music using gibberwocky.
11/30/2016 - Visual Studies Workshop - Rochester, NY<
Live-coded GLSL visuals in Gibber to the music of Rick Scott.
10/13/2016 - International Live Coding Conference - Hamilton, Ontario
Solo live coding performance using gibberwocky.
9/16/2016 - Rochester Fringe Festival - Rochester, NY
Solo live coding performances using gibberwocky and Gibber.
9/11/2016 - Algorave @ Babycastles - Manhattan
Solo live-coded beats accompanied by Ulysses Popple on live-coded visuals.
5/7/2016 - Imagine RIT Festival - Rochester, NY
Solo live coding performances using Gibber.
4/22/2016 - Experimental Aesthetics Series - Rochester, NY
Solo live coding performance using Gibber w/ Michelle Harris on visuals.
4/2016 - Web Audio Conference - Atlanta, Gerogia
Solo live coding performance using Gibber.
3/2016 - Digital Media Festival - Penn State Behrend
Talk and short form performance: Live Coding Performance: Algoraves, Programming, and New Conceptions of the Audience
- 3/2016 - CCRMA - Stanford University
Solo live coding performance using Gibber.
11/2015 - Algorave - Troy, NY
Solo live coding performance using Gibber.
10/2015 - IEEE VIS Arts Programme - Chicago, IL
Solo live coding performance using Gibber.
9/2015 - International Computer Music Conference - Denton, TX
Solo live coding performance using Gibber.
7/2015 - Algorave: International Conference on Live Coding - Leeds, United Kingom
Solo live coding performance using Gibber.
6/2015 - Algorave - Santa Barbara, CA
Solo live coding performance w/ Gibber during first US Algorave. Also featured a variety of student performances from a course I taught in the spring of 2015.
6/2015 - New Interfaces for Musical Expression conference - Baton Rouge, LA
Solo live coding performance using Gibber.
11/2014 - ACM MultiMedia Conference - Orlando, FL
Solo live coding performances using Gibber as part of the Interactive Arts Programme and during the general conference banquet.
10/2014 - ACADIA Conference - Los Angeles, CA
Solo live coding performance w/ Gibber during the ACADIA Hackathon event
7/2014 - Live Coding and the Body Symposium - Brighton, UK
Solo live coding performance using Gibber.
7/2014 - NIME Conference - London, UK
Solo live coding performance using Gibber, featuring both live music and shader programming.
- 5/2014 - Contours of Algorithmic Life Conference - Davis, CA
Long-form (~45') live coding performance using Gibber, featuring both live music and shader programming.
- 12/2013 - Sound Storm w/ CREATE Ensemble - Santa Barbara, CA
In this piece that I composed and conducted, titled Ambiguous Suggestions, I conduct the CREATE Ensemble by creating two-dimensional gestures that are transmitted to personal mobile devices and subsequently interpreted by ensemble members. These gestures are sent to anonymous numbers via the conductor's interface, forcing me to think of solely of compositional shape rather than instrumental timbre. In the screenshot, my back is to the ensemble t o emphasize my disconnect with them. The software component was realized using Interface.js.
- 6/2013 - NIME - Daejeon, South Korea
Solo live coding performance using Gibber, exploring live sampling and re-sequencing of the source material. Watch a recreation of the performance using the same strategies.
- 5/2013 - MAT End of Year Show - Santa Barbara, CA<
Solo live coding performance using Gibber.
- 12/2012 - Sound Paths - Santa Barbara, CA<
Group live coding performance using Gibber, performed with the CREATE Ensemble and titled Passages. The piece was an exquisite corpse, where code fragments were passed from performer to performer using Gibber's chat system, modified, and executed. From a review by the Joseph Woodard of Santa Barbara News Press:
To those of us in the audience not "in the know" about the program, it seemed odd to find several people cradling jumbo laptops scattered throughout the house, as if their nerdy umbilical attachment to their computers continued into the concert hall experience. The truth became known, though, with the performance of the piece "Passages," by the CREATE Ensemble. Said ensemble, being Fernando Rincon Estrada, Anthony Garcia, Charlie Roberts, Luke Taylor, Tim Wood, Karl Yerkes, and director Matthew Wright, produced a live, real time and spatially dispersed ensemble opus. Their faces were projected, via computer cams, onto a large screen on stage, further blurring the elements of stage, house, live interactions and computer coding as they went. With a touch of theater, they slowly closed their laptop lids, shutting down the in sync, capping an altogether entertaining and conceptual high point of the night.
- 8/2012 - Santa Barbara New Music Series - Santa Barbara, CA<
Solo and trio live coding performances with Gibber. Trio performances with Matt Wright and Karl Yerkes.
- 5/2012 - Bits And Pieces - Santa Barbara, CA<
Solo live coding performance using Gibber.
- 3/2012 - π and beyond w/ the CREATE Ensemble - Santa Barbara, CA
The first Gibber performance, with the CREATE Ensemble. Each performer wrote code on his/her individual laptop, and auditioned the results with headphones. When satisfied, they transmitted the code over the network to a central computer connected to the house projector and speakers. The code that each member submitted was displayed in a running tally, along with chat communications between performers.
5/2011 - Questionable Utility - Santa Barbara, CAIn this performance, titled Composition for Conductor + Audience, audience members were instructed to download an iOS / Android application I authored named Control before the performance began. After starting the application, they were presented with interfaces to participate in the piece by following the gestures of the conductor. The motivation of the piece was exploring whether or not anonymous audience participants would follow the wishes of a conductor. If participants disobeyed, they could be 'cut' from the performance by the conductor and banished to a queue to await re-activation. In this way, a game of cat-and-mouse is created, where disruptive actors in the piece are removed the from the work by the conductor only to be gradually reintroduced.
- 4/2011 - Psychonautica - Santa Barbara, CA
Duo electroacoustic performance with Karl Yerkes.
- 5/2010 - Something You Don't Know - Santa Barbara, CA
Improv for Liquids and Electronics was an audiovisual performance combining liquid projection techniques, computer vision, and generative music. I spent most of the performance create visuals using a combination of oils, bases, acids and pH indicators while the resulting projection was analyzed for color content and blob detection. This analysis was in turn used to feed generative music created in ChucK.
4/2010 - Primavera Festival - Santa Barbara, CA
Liquid projection and generative music; see the 5/2010 performance for details.
5/209 - Everyone Wants Everything - Santa Barbara, CA
Duo audiovisual performance with Angus Forbes on drums / visuals. I live coded music using ChucK.
- 5/2014 - Contours of Algorithmic Life Conference - Davis, CA