
Gibber is a  creative coding environment that runs in the browser; the audio component is also a standalone JavaScript library. Gibber was designed to present high-level abstractions enabling users to accomplish complex tasks simply, all while staying within the confines of syntactically valid JavaScript.

Unlike many JavaScript audio libraries, Gibber comes with some music theory built-in, so that users can easily create beats and melodies. On the visual side, Gibber provides 2D, 3D and shader programming capability. Gibber maintains notational conventions across audio / visual and interactive modalities. For example, regardless of the type object, accessing its _ (underscore) property will remove it from the relevant graph. Objects also use the same notation for sequencing property values and method calls, and for establishing continuous mappings.

Gibber is primarily maintained by Charlie Roberts, with gracious funding from the Robert W. Deutsch Foundation. Further support is provided by the AlloSphere Research Group and the Media Arts and Technology Program at UCSB.

Nine lines of code texturing a plane with video input, creating a spinning 3D object and applying various FX.

Nine lines of code texturing a plane with video input, creating a spinning 3D object and applying various FX.