
Simple physical model of a plucked string using Karplus-Strong.

Inherits from Ugen.


a = Pluck() Rndi(220, 880), 1/16 )

a.blend = Add( .5, Sine(.05, .5)._ )


  • amp : Float. default range { 0, 1 }. default value: .25.
  • blend : Float. Default range { 0, 1 }. Default value: 1. In the Karplus-Strong model, the blend parameter determines the likelihood that the sign of a given sample will be flipped; this introduces noise into the model. A value of 1 means the sign will always be positive; a value of 0 means the sign will be random per sample. A value of 1 yields the typical plucked string sound.
  • damping : Default range { 0, 1 }. Simulates damping of the string, which is also affected by frequency.
  • maxVoices: Int. Default value: 1. The maximum number of frequencies the synthesizer can play simultaneously. This value can only be set during initialization.
  • pan: Float. Default range { -1, 1 }. Default value: 0. The position in the stereo spectrum of the Synth output.


  • chord( Array:frequencies, Float:amp(optional) ) : Playback multiple notes at a provided amplitude. The maxVoices property have been set to a value higher than 1 during intialization for this function to work.
  • note( Float:frequency, Float:amp(optional) ) : This method tells the synthesizer to play a single note at a particular volume.
  • play( Array:frequencies, Array:durations ) : This method accepts arrays of frequencies and durations as arguments to create and start a sequencer targeting the oscillator.
  • stop() : This method stops the sequencer that is built into the oscillator if it has been started.
  • kill() : Disconnect the oscillator from whatever bus it is connected to.