Classic 808 cowbell with two square waves feeding a bandpass filter and an exponential decay envelope.
Inherits from Ugen.
// use random tunings for each Tom hit a = Cowbell().play( Rndf(5500, 44100), 1/2 )
- pitch : Int. The pitch of the first square wave in Hz. TODO: this should be a single float where 1 gives yields the classic 565 / 845 frequencies.
- decay : Int. The length, in samples, of the cowbell decay.
- amp : Float. default range { 0, 1 }. default value: .25.
- note( Int:decay )
- play( Array:frequencies, Array:durations ) : This method accepts arrays of frequencies and durations as arguments to create and start a sequencer targeting the oscillator.
- stop() : This method stops the sequencer that is built into the oscillator if it has been started.
- kill() : Disconnect the oscillator from whatever bus it is connected to. Note that if the oscillator is reference by another unit generator it will continue to feed output to it.