O3D_Camera Class Reference

Camera object handling perspective, view rotation and transformation. More...

#import <O3D_Camera.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(void) - load
 Called after loading the identity for the modelview; this performs multiplications for camera location / rotation.
(void) - left:
 Move the receiver left (strafe) by a specified amount.
(void) - left
 Move the receiver left (strafe) by the movementSpeed property.
(void) - right:
 Move the receiver right (strafe) by a specified amount.
(void) - right
 Move the receiver right (strafe) by the movementSpeed property.
(void) - up:
 Move the receiver up by a specified amount.
(void) - up
 Move the receiver up by the movementSpeed property.
(void) - down:
 Move the receiver down by a specified amount.
(void) - down
 Move the receiver down by the movementSpeed property.
(void) - forward:
 Move the receiver along the Z axis by the specified amount.
(void) - forward
 Move the receiver along the Z axis by the movementSpeed property.
(void) - backward:
 Move the receiver along the Z axis by the specified amount.
(void) - backward
 Move the receiver along the Z axis by the movementSpeed property.
(void) - moveX:Y:Z:
 Move along the X, Y and Z axis simultaneously.
(void) - pan:
 Rotate on the Y axis by the specified amount.
(void) - panLeft
 Rotate left the Y axis by the rotationSpeed property.
(void) - panRight
 Rotate right the Y axis by the rotationSpeed property.
(void) - tilt:
 Rotate around the X axis by the specified amount.
(void) - tiltUp
 Rotate backwards around the X axis by the rotationSpeed property.
(void) - tiltDown
 Rotate forwards around the X axis by the rotationSpeed property.
(void) - rotateByAngle:onAxis:
 Rotate by an amount on a specified axis.
(void) - setPerspectiveWithFOV:aspect:zNear:zFar:
 Set the camera perspective matrix.
(void) - applyPerspective
 Apply the camera perspective.

Protected Attributes

 Perspective matrix; normally sent once immediately after camera initialization.
 location matrix; generated from the inverse of the x, y, and z propeties


float x
 X, Y, Z coordinates for camera. The inverse of this is multiplied by the modelview matrix.
float y
float z
float movementSpeed
 Conveience properties used in movement / rotation methods that don't accept arguments.
float rotationSpeed
 Quaternion representing camera rotation.

Detailed Description

Camera object handling perspective, view rotation and transformation.
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Generated on Wed Jun 10 23:48:30 2009 for Objective 3D by  doxygen 1.5.9