Getting Custom Interfaces On Your Device

Getting JSON interfaces into Control

The easiest way to load your interfaces into Control is by placing them on a web server where Control can access them. Most operating systems come with a web server built into them. If you enable this web server and place your JSON files into the web server directories you can then access the files by pressing the + button at the top of the Interfaces tab. You’ll then be prompted to enter the URL of your interface file; if you’re on a home wifi network this will look similiar to the following:

Once you enter the URL it should load immediately and will be saved for future use. It’s useful to add a button to refresh this file; that way you can make changes to the interface and see them on your phone just by pressing the refresh button. A typical button to refresh would be as follows:

"name": "refreshButton",
"type": "Button",
"x": 0,
"y": .85,
"width": .15,
"height": .15,
"mode": "momentary",
"color": "#000000",
"stroke": "#aaaaaa",
"ontouchstart": "interfaceManager.refreshInterface()",

You can also push interfaces to Control using OSC. With Control launched, send the message /pushInterface to the ip address Control is running on with the string of JSON as an argument. This only works for strings of less then 16 KB; larger interfaces won’t successfully transfer via this method.

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